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Precio de venta ( en USD ) de los autos y sus accesorios

Modelo 6 cilindros 8 cilindros
150 Series
1502 Sedan dos puertas 1,660.00 1,759.00
1503 Sedan cuatro puertas 1,703.00 1,802.00
1512 Sedan utilitario dos puertas 1,568.00 1,667.00
1529 Vagoneta Handyman dos puertas 2,005.00 2,104.00
210 Series
2102 Sedan dos puertas 1,750.00 1,849.00
2103 Sedan cuatro puertas 1,794.00 1,893.00
2109 Vagoneta Townsman cuatro puertas 2,102.00 2,201.00
2124 Delray Club Coupe dos puertas 1,810.00 1,909.00
2129 Vagoneta Handyman dos puertas 2,054.00 2,153.00
Bel Air Series
2402 Sedan dos uertas 1,863.00 1,962.00
2403 Sedan cuatro puertas 1,907.00 2,006.00
2409 Vagoneta Beauville cuatro puertas 2,237.00 2,336.00
2434 Convertible dos puertas 2,181.00 2,280.00
2454 Hardtop Sport Coupe dos puertas 2,042.00 2,141.00

Códigos de opciones y sus precios ( en USD )

Código Descripción ( en Inglés ) USD
100 Directional signal 16.75
101B Airflow heater (na w/AC) 72.80
101C Recirculating heater (na w/AC) 48.15
216C 1-pint-capacity oil bath air cleaner (6cyl) 5.40
227A HD clutch 3.25
235 Single colors NC
235W Single color-Anniversary Gold
(2403 only) 26.90
236G, M Single colors NC
236A, F, H Special two-tone combinations 25.85
237B 1-quart-capacity oil filter (6cyl) 11.85
237L 1-quart-capacity oil filter (8cyl) 11.85
237M 1-quart-capacity oil filter (w/AC) 14.00
238A, F, P, W
Special two-tone combinations 25.85
238H, M, N, U
Single colors NC
238G, K, L, Q, S, T, V, X
Standard two-tone combinations 12.95
241A Governor (std w/6cyl) 18.30
246 Two-tone color combinations 12.95
254T HD 5-leaf rear springs 2.70
254Y HD rear springs (station wagons) 3.80
254V HD 6-leaf rear springs 6.50
288A 5 6.70-15-6 tires 37.90
288L 5 6.70-15-6 white-sidewall tires 73.65
290B 5 6.70-15-4 white-sidewall tires 26.90
313 Powerglide trans-mission 178.35
315 Overdrive transmission 107.60
320 Electric windshield wiper 10.50
324 Power steering 91.50
325A, B, L, N, P
30amp generator 7.55
325U-Z 30amp generator NC
325C-F, Q, R
40amp generator 80.75
397 Seat & window electrical controls 145.30
398 E-Z Eye glass 32.30
410 4bbI carburetor 59.20
412 Power brakes 37.70
417 Positive engine ventilation 12.95
435 Trim combination NC
437 Single colors NC
440 Single colors NC
441 Two-tone color combinations 12.95
450 AC 565.00

Accesorios intalados por los distribuidores ( en USD )

Descripción ( en Inglés )USD
Autotronic Eye 44.25
Cap-locking gas 2.90
Carrier-Continental wheel 118.00
Clock-electric 17.50
Compass 3.57
Covers-fall wheel, set of 4 14.95
Covers-wheel disc, set of 4 19.00
Cover-seat, plastic 34.90
Cover-seat, plastic Spring Line 37.50
Cover-seat, fiber 26.90
Cover-seat, nylon 39.90
Cover-seat, nylon Spring Line 42.50
Dispenser-tissues 3.85
Extension-exhaust 3.25
Glareshade-windshield, 1 8.00
Guards-front & rear fender 39.00
Guards-door edge, pair (sport coupe & convertible) 3.45
Guards-door edge, 4dr set 6.25
Guard-gasoline filler door 1.65
Heater & defroster-deluxe 65.00
Heater & defroster-recirculating 42.00
Kool Kooshion 4.40
Lamp-luggage compartment 1.95
Lamp-underhood 1.95
Lamp-courtesy, pair 2.75
Lamp-back-up 5.85
Lamp-glove compartment 1.10
Mat units-floor, rubber, 2 3.50
Mirror-inside rearview, nonglare 3.95
Mirror-outside rearview, body mount 3.50
Mirror-outside rearview, remote control 6.95
Mirror-vanity visor 1.60
Molding-body sill 7.00
Radio & antenna-push-button 84.50
Radio & antenna-manual 62.00
Radio & antenna-Signal Seeker 105.00
Raiser-automatic top 34.00
Rings-wheel trim, 15in, set of 5 11.75
Safety light & mirror 24.50
Seat & back rest-Sacro-Ease 19.75
Shields-door handle, set of 4 2.80
Shields-gravel, front fender, pair 6.75
Signal-parking brake, electric 4.25
Speaker-rear seat radio 12.00
Spotlight-hand, portable 7.95
Vent shades 8.75
Viewer-traffic light 2.90
Visor-outside 19.9
Washer-windshield, vacuum operated 7.95